The CSP has developed resources on health inequalities – what they are and why they matter. We would be grateful if you could share these resources with your professional network members and colleagues.
Health is not simply about the absence of disease - ill health results from many factors throughout life.
Addressing health inequalities is everyone's business.
Enlightening fragility fracture care: Fragility Fracture Network Congress OSLO 3rd - 6th OCTOBER 2023
Topics will cover the four pillars of FFN; acute multidisciplinary care of fracture patients, rapid rehabilitation, secondary prevention of new fractures, and forming national alliances to persuade politicians and promote best practice.
Sign up and read more here:
Call for examples of rehabilitation services for older people
Do you provide rehabilitation for older people? The BGS would like to ask for your help in showcasing examples of rehabilitation services for older people.
The Clinical Frailty Scale (also known as Rockwood) is a quick tool that is used to identify people at risk of frailty.
The scale has been widely rolled out in the NHS, and although it is quick to use, it is important that the tool is used correctly. AGILE have created a poster aimed a physios to give them some top tips on the use of the scale.